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It's almost FIRST FRIDAY again!


Table Rock Art Guild announces their "First Friday Event" on Septermber 6 from 3:00-7:00 pm with the showing of Art created by Peggy Masterman, potter and Linda Edge-Dunlap, photographer in our Gallery at the Kimberling Center. Join us for wine, appetizers and lively conversation!

  • Peggy Masterman, became a potter just by a series of happy accidents. A good friend stopped by her house one afternoon, said she had been over to the college to sign up for an accounting class but the class was full. So, she signed both of them up for a pottery class. A few years later, her family moved to Saudi Arabia, where their community had a wonderful art building with a tiny little room that housed several pottery wheels, clay and glazes. Peggy had no idea how long the supplies had been there or what temperature was to be used for firing. Peggy only knew she was not going to miss this opportunity, and so it began! "There is just something wonderful about sitting at the wheel with a ball of clay in front of you and watching it become anything you can imagine. I like to use nature and color for inspiration as well as friends who find a unique piece and say Peggy, you need to make this."

  • Linda Edge-Dunlap, studied photography with a protégé of Ansel Adams at Iowa State University and exclusively used "The Zone System" for all aspects of photography. After finishing all offered photo classes at ISU, she transferred to The University of Iowa and continued with her art education. While a student, she landed a job as a staff photographer with Photographic Services, an educational/service based business within the Center for Media Production, ultimately becoming the Center's Manager. Passionate about the water, the move to Table Rock and the Ozarks was a natural fit. With encouragement from friends, Linda re-started Edge Photography in 2014 after retirement from the University of Iowa. In her free time, Linda is active with the Table Rock Art Guild and is currently assisting with the upcoming Table Rock Art Guild's - Fall Art Festival on October 5-6. Locally, Linda entered the juried 2016 and 2018, Studio 55's Art Show, winning Best Photography (2016) with a still life photo of "Lasansky's Press" and Best Juror Award (2018) with a digital art abstract, Tabler "Mantle".


Copyright Table Rock Art Guild and Gallery

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