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REAL artists NEVER stop learning . . .


And that's why, for about 20 years, TRAG artists have chosen an "old master" or favorite mentor's work to study and then create a work of art that reflects what they have learned and share it and their insights, with their colleagues as the "Artist of the Month" theme. Donna Gillespie led off the event at the group's November meeting by explaining why she chose Louise Nevelson's work to study.

We all now know how to create the perfect rectangle, too, using the "golden mean."

Jack O'Keefe focused on the work of LeRoy Neiman because he loved the colors and movement that artist used. Darlene Rutz loves to paint mountains and snow, so she chose to study the work of an artist from Budapest, Lazlo Neogrady, who also loves those subjects (but paints them in watercolor rather than acrylic like Darlene). Diane Robben grew up with a painting by John Singer Sargent in her family home, even though she didn't realize that's what it was at the time! Jim Salvo used Charles DeMuth as his "mentor" as he created a digital work in a similar style. Don Haberman chose the photography Eliott Porter as his muse. Brenda Vivieros recreated iris and butterfly in the style of Marjolein Bastin, a popular Hallmark artist, and Jan Rosenberg brought the program to a close sharing her watercolor tree like Sam Hull taught her to do. It was a very informative and enjoyable series of presentations. Their work will be on display at the Gallery until mid-December.



Copyright Table Rock Art Guild and Gallery

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